Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Video Games And Hostility. Essay - 2108 Words

Running Head: VIDEO GAMES AND HOSTILITY Video games and hostility Surpreet Singh City University of New York : Queens College Authors Note Surpreet Singh, Department of Psychology, Queens College Contact : Surpreet95@gmail.com VIDEO GAMES AND HOSTILITY Abstract This experiment assessed the role of videogames and hostility in young Queens College students. This experiment was based on whether video games make a person hostile towards his or her surroundings. Showing two different clips from different video games, which described the mood of young students, did it. The experiment was tested within a classroom in Queens College. The experiment was divided into two different conditions, condition one, which was hostile games, and condition two, which was non- hostile games. First, the students were shown the clip of this aggressive video game called, Call of Duty 3 for two minutes and were asked to imagine as if they were playing. Students were administered the State Hostility Questionnaire and instructed to fill out ratings before and after the experiment. Secondly, the students were shown the clip of a nonviolent video game called Pikmin and were asked to do the same as they did with the first video game. The goal of this experiment was to b riefly find out if video games made a person hostile. Since, video games like Call of Duty 3 contains a lot of violent actions it does make students hostile compared to the non-violent games likeShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Violent Video Games Essay1712 Words   |  7 Pagesteeneagers love video games. Though some say â€Å"it’s just a game†, that simple game could be more of an impact than people think. At the moment teenagers may not see any change in their actions and emotions while playing video games. Violent video games in specific are a huge impact on Americans teenagers. 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