Tuesday, August 25, 2020

To Be Governed Essays - Mutualists, Pierre-Joseph Proudhon, Squeezed

To Be Governed To be GOVERNED is to be watched, assessed, spied upon, coordinated, law-driven, numbered, controlled, enlisted, inculcated, lectured at, controlled, checked, evaluated, esteemed, rebuffed, told, by animals who have neither the right nor the shrewdness nor the uprightness to do as such. To be GOVERNED is to be at each activity, at each exchange noted, enlisted, checked, burdened, stepped, estimated, numbered, surveyed, authorized, approved, reproved, forestalled, illegal, improved, amended, rebuffed. It is, under appearance of open utility, and for the sake of the general enthusiasm, to be put under commitment, bored, fleeced, misused, consumed, coerced from, pressed, hoaxed, looted; at that point, at the smallest obstruction, the principal expression of protest, to be stifled, fined, criticized, annoyed, chased down, manhandled, clubbed, incapacitated, bound, stifled, detained, judged, denounced, shot, ousted, yielded, sold, double-crossed; and to crown all, mocked,ridiculed, scorned, offended, shamed. That is government; that is its equity; that is its ethical quality. P.J. Proudhon, General Idea of the Revolution in the nineteenth Century Notice the equals to the Prisoner? I won't make any manages you.I've surrendered. I won't be pushed, documented, stepped, ordered, advised, questioned, or numbered! My life is my own.

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